Sunday, 9 June 2013

What are we teaching our children?

Here I am on the next section about the discipline of children.

I was brought up on the idea that you never talk back to an your parents, you never scream, roll your eyes, sigh, or ignore them.
However, I find that children of today lack the element of respect, they do not respect their parents, they do not respect their teachers, or any elders for that fact, and mostly, they do not respect themselves.
Lets for a minute focus on schools, teachers and students. Many teachers will tell you that in today's world they are finding it a lot more difficult to control students. So firstly, lets take into account that classes have grown, which mean teachers have more students than they used to, and for new teachers a class with forty students, can be quite daunting, thus, they never have control or gain control. Secondly, lets look at the teachers, most teachers no longer have the passion to teach, they've become bitter, angry and have no drive, and who would blame them, a basic teacher salary in South Africa starts from R12 000, who wouldn't become disheartened with that, all that hard work, shaping the minds of the future and for a lousy salary, but when you enter the teaching field, you should already know that you are not entering this qualification for the money, their should definitely be other reasons, whatever they may be. And lastly, lets take a look at the school systems and communities, parents go from one extreme to the next, they are either way too involved or there is no involvement at all, they expect the teachers to play the role of both teacher and parent, thus, if children aren't receiving the right attention at home, they expect it at school from a sour, disheartened teacher, whose main concern is to get the syllabus done. And that's when lack of respect between all involved is created.

As a future teacher, I find this disheartening, I am not expecting every student to like me, which is fine, I am not going to miss sleep over that fact, however, there is a difference with not liking a teacher and then disrespecting a teacher. I find there is a thin line that children cross often.

Then I ask myself, well where does it all start, and the answer home. Parents are either too busy, too tired, or feel its in the hands of their school. They do not check children have done their homework, they have not made sure their children have studied for the upcoming test, or prepared the project they've had for a month, but when their child fails, or is reprimanded at school, who should take the blame?

Children think they are able to speak to their teachers, in whatever way they want, where do they learn this? If parents don't respect the school systems and teachers, how are the children expected too?

Manners, discipline, morals, values and respect all start within the closest community, and that's home life. I really don't care if you are too busy, it is your child, your responsibility. I may have not had all the riches growing up, but one think I did have was the values instilled in me, the manners learnt through my parents, morals developed as I grew and constant discipline in which I learn't to respect, not only myself, my family, my elders, my teachers, my community and the world I live in.

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