Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Is it just me???

Part 1
I don't want to sound like one of those annoying people who constantly refer to the phrase, "back in my day" but at this point in my life I feel it is necessary to bring up a subject quite dear to me...the discipline of children.

Is it just me, or do other people feel as if parents have given up on the entire concept of discipline? Not only do I teach children, I look after them too, and I find that that they lack many qualities of discipline that I had "back in my day",

firstly, I have found that kids do not know how to behave in a restuarant. No, it is not cool that little Johnny has made the point of staring at strangers, whilst picking his nose, and NO, I would prefer it if I didn't have your offspring run through the tables, and spill over my glass of wine or constantly bump my table whilst screaming "bloody mary". I make a point of not going to restaurants where I know there will be a high influx of children-unless I have one of my 15 nieces or nephews- so please don't make it a point of bringing your children to a restaurant where they will easily bore, and if you decide to, then ensure that these are the rules followed: 1. Once seated, remain seated, unless you go to the bathroom or are leaving. 2. Parents ensure that you MAKE your kids bring some form of quiet entertainment. 3. Yes, I might find your kid cute but I do not want to stare at it the entire night, and lastly, it is your child, your responsibility, so please if he or she is either screaming, banging plates or making a point of disturbing my night, instead of smiling at me and nudging your shoulders as, "what can I do" look, get your child to stop or else I will.

I remember when I went to a restaurant with my family( a family of 6), we knew what we were allowed to do and not allowed to do as restaurant etiquette. And if we ever misbehaved, we knew from a very young age that their would be consequences.

Although I am not a parent yet, I do not allow my nieces or nephews to run riot wherever we go, I was brought up to respect the other people trying to enjoy their meal and I know that is what I will instill in my children, nieces, nephews grandchildren and if necessary even strangers


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